Nov 8, 2017

Celebrity Invasion Of Privacy

Is too much of celebrity-worshiping leads to unconscious invasion of privacy and harassment?

The Iñigo Pascual public rest room incident may have raised questions, a concern that our society needs to address.  The young actor went to a public urinal when somebody pretending to have a conversation over the phone (camera flashes ‘ON’) takes the spot beside him. Couldn’t think of any reason why that person did what he was doing than to violate the very private moment of the young actor.

I applaud Iñigo, for calling the attention or tweeting that incident. It is very rare for males to voice out issues like this let alone, a celebrity like him. Most common reason why only few are coming forward when they experience harassment is, the idea of men, as a victim seems strange. I admit when I first saw his tweet I ignore as this happened before to few celebrities and it will always be a thing of the past.  But when I read about it in a blog (I am a avid reader of FP) and saw the comments section it engross me to read some comments which are senseless and the trolling/bashing got the better out of them. Still I am happy that majority of the commenters are condoning the said pervert, writings that are rare to be seen in FP comment section (laughs).

Iñigo’s tweet touches or raises some awareness on a very important issue that we ignore to acknowledge, harassment and sexual abuse in men. Majority of us define sexual harassment by default synonymous with ‘sexual harassment of women’ only. Harassment of men nowadays is rampant and very common at workplaces, on the streets and even online in all social media form but we fail to recognize and acknowledge them. Male harassment is a reality and everyone should take it seriously.

If what transpired to Iñigo Pascual had happened to a female celebrity there would be a hullabaloo, and it would be all over social media about how horrifying and bigot people can be.

Do you still remember the Alex Castro Cosmo Bachelor bash incident? The Ahron Villena gym changing room paparazzi? The Benjamin Alves accidental video being shared online?

I understand that we let the celebrity-worshiping get the better of us sometimes with all the hunky, voluptuous, shirtless, bikini and half-naked celebrity images heavily disposed in just a click of our fingers in our computers screens. However, those images of celebrities aren’t open invitation that we are allowed to do whatever we want or harass them in person. People should think that these celebrities are real human beings too and they have private times not in front our television screens to be respected.

There is no acceptable or justifiable excuse for sexual harassment – whether it is directed to rich or poor, commoner or celebrities, and or male or female. We must take a minute to think; if this will happen to me what would I feel?

This is just another random thoughts of a 
Virtual Stroller :)

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