Nov 30, 2017

Miss Universe 2017 And The Filipino Pageant Fans Outbursts

Pageant Comments By: Tenten and Latlat

When Miss Universe Organizations announce the live telecast judge, one of the judges is our very own Miss Universe 2015, Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach, some were ecstatic but there are few who are formulating opinions, conclusions of what will happen, weeks before finals night. Are these people some sort Nostradamus of pageantry? Do they have powers and psychic ability? How will they know the outcome of an event when it wasn’t staged yet?

If your sagacity or reasonableness prevails, you know that it always depends on how Miss Philippines will perform during the finals night, just “IF” she made it to the top16. With the new format of dividing it by continent, there is no certainty of who will make the cut. But it is with certainty that Pia Wurtzbach sitting at the judging table will receive displeasing outcry either from the neighboring Asian countries (Thailand and Indonesia) or from her fellow Filipinos whatever the result will be.

Last Sunday night (Las Vegas, USA) or early morning of Monday (Asian time), the most awaited Pageant was staged, the super bowl of the third gender and no matter the time difference is, Filipino fans will wake-up early dawn just for this once in a year beautiful event. The staging of the finals night was way better than the Manila event (but pre-pageant activities of Miss Universe in the Philippines is incomparable), “just the finals night”.

The most awaited part is trimming down the 92 delegates to top16 finalist. First to be called are delegates from Asia Pacific and Africa (Thailand, Sri Lanka, Ghana and South Africa). It is a disappointing result for Filipino pageant fans but it is not yet over, there are still four wildcards to be called and many Filipino's are now praying religiously not just in FB and Twitter post but in real life too. Miss Philippines’ Rachel Louise Peters, deserves to be called as top16 finalists based on her preliminary performance.

Next four finalists are from Europe (Spain, Ireland, Croatia and Great Britain), then the Americas (Colombia, USA, Brazil, and Canada). When all finalists of three continents were revealed and some of the strongest delegates most especially from the Latin America and Asia have remained standing waiting to be called, it has doubled the anxiety of pageant fans watching live at the Planet Hollywood and in live stream online.

The venue heard the loudest cheer when first of the wild card is the Philippines, and the online tweets and commentaries on live streaming went gaga. Venezuela, Jamaica, and China completed the last group, wildcard finalist. People have observed that the wild card entries were the strongest and real contenders with an underdog, the unforeseen placement of China. Are they called last to add more excitement? Especially Venezuela and the Philippines?

Rachel Louise Peters of the Philippines is on fire during the swimsuit round, she slayed them with those va-va-voom figure and serving legs for weeks. Miss Philippines is a lock-in to top10 together with Venezuela, Brazil, USA and South Africa (my genuine list on that time watching) from their swimsuit round presentation.

It was time for top 10 to be called, first is Venezuela (with her VTR plus her previous interview when she was called as a wild card, she is a shoe-in for a top5 placement, she just needs a killer evening gown performance to back it up), next is USA (the scientist) then the Philippines (watching her VTR, slashed down some hopes of rational pageant fans, it was dreary and an injustice to her achievements). Miss Canada was called after Rachel Peters, then Miss South Africa, Spain, Brazil, Colombia, Thailand, and Jamaica.

Steve Harvey has presented the top 10 finalists who will move forward with the competition and after watching VTR of every finalist, we knew by then that it will be Miss Philippine’s VTR that will preclude her in advancing to the top5 (read till the end, What is wrong with those VTR).

The pre-recorded video is an imperative chunk of judges assessment and many pageant fans can disagree or oppose with what we are saying, that it is not included in deciding who will win the crown, but the videos were presented after each delegate is being called and it will certainly influence the judges' viewpoint of their personality and background. If I will judge Miss Philippines with no biases just with her VTR while taking into considerations what are the criterions of what IMG is looking for as the new Miss Universe, I would place her 8th out of the 10 finalists. But of course I am a Filipino; my devoted-nationalistic mind will come first. My hopes are still high before they strut their swanky evening gowns. Maybe those impressive top VTR’s will not support the other delegates below average parasella and they will trip sashaying in a long dress.

Rachel Louise Peters looks elegant and ravishing, the best evening gown I have seen from a Philippine delegate in Miss Universe. The details perfectly accentuate her assets and physique, no-brainer she is a standout during this round. The top contenders (South Africa, Thailand, Venezuela and Jamaica) with impressive VTR sashayed their evening dress with radiating buoyancy and glow, and that’s the time I have accepted that Rachel will not advance further. As what I have said it boils down to the VTR, the VTR that gives the judges some glimpse and viewpoint of the delegates background.

South Africa, Venezuela, Thailand, Jamaica and Colombia advances to top5. South Africa, and Thailand were a clear front-runner and a favorite (MUOrg’s “favored”) delegates. 

Colombia was a surprised for us (Tenten and Latlat) from the very first she was called as the Americas final 4, we can pinpoint in a blink of an eye that there are better delegates from that continent that deserves her place. Nonetheless it is a common knowledge that every Sta. Colombia is trained to starved and crave like there’s no tomorrow to bagged the Miss Universe crown and her team came prepared with an impressive VTR too.  This year Miss Colombia just sashayed excessively with her facial display, some call it sensual glare (Shandy or Suzie mentioned about some battery operated under her swimwear). 

During the top5 Q&A, Miss Thailand blundered miserably and she knew it the very minute she’s done talking with Steve Harvey. It was heartrending to watch since people are anticipating South Africa and Thailand to be the last two standing. Jamaica shone brightly and the very sweet but fierce Miss Venezuela is a strong contender, she earned our utmost respect and adoration among the 5 finalists. Keysi Sayago should have moved forward together with Jamaica and South Africa. It would be the most enthusing-electrifying last three standing ladies.

Huge commensurations to Miss South Africa, the newly crowned Miss Universe. Yes, we have a new Miss Universe, but before we move forward and heal our weepy hearts, we need to say and transcribe our conclusion since the outrage is being thrown at Pia Wurtzbach as if she’s the only deciding person at the panel of judges. Filipino fans are unreasonable for blaming every Filipino invited to judge at Miss Universe (like Lea Salonga, Manny Pacquiao and now Pia).

Who are we (your Virtual Stroller, Tenten and Latlat) putting our blame on Rachel’s top10 finish? We are not pro- Aces and Queens nor Kagandahang Flores, we are just keen observers and pageant fanatic that will support whoever represents the Philippines.

Rachel Louise Peters is a total package and possess the qualities of what a Miss Universe should be, from swimsuit round to her elegant and enchanting evening gown performance, there is no question she will give South Africa, Colombia, and Venezuela a run for their money.

What went wrong? As what we mentioned above her lackluster VTR is the barrier that stops her from moving forward, it is not her gown, her performance nor the presence of a Filipina judge at the finals night. Rachel Louise Peters had lived in 3 different countries, obtained a International Baccalaureate and university degree and she's successful young entrepreneur. However, what we saw is a swallow description of her fondness for the beach and surfing, and her opening a café business.

Are we pointing fingers for her lackluster VTR? Who are we blaming? YES, WE ARE! Kagandahang Flores wasted an exceptional young lady, a once in a blue moon delegate. Rachel is a successful and empowered woman but why did her camp wasn’t too enthused to explore that? Before Rachel’s departure all we hear from her camp is, she has full or surprises and pasabog, where are those pasabog? “If” only, “IF” KF camp has showcased her multicultural background, her perseverance and dedication to successfully complete a University degree and how her business help the locals that promotes the local tourism business of Siargao, the surfing capital of Philippines, then we may have a different outcome.

The Miss Universe under IMG is looking for a young lady who is empowered and with substance, and that is Rachel  Peters. The pre-recorded video didn’t do her justice, on how successful and inspiring of a woman she is.

We have stated our opinion and we can now happily move on and you also, our co-pageant fanatics (Filipinos particularly) should stop the blame, especially on Pia. Even if Pia will give her a perfect score and she won the live voting, there are still other judges on the panel who were maybe unmoved by what they saw and how lackluster the VTR of Miss Philippines is. And don’t blame the gown; again it was the best we have seen from a Miss Philippines delegate. The KF team should have now taken into consideration their shortcomings and learn from it, but they will never have another Rachel under their belt soon. A "Rachel Louise Peters" is rare and comes once in a blue moon type of a lady, that can perfectly represent the country.

Blaming Pia with the outcome is uncalled-for and illogical; she is not the lone judge who will decide who will be crowned that night. Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach will always be a Miss Universe and with her competitiveness, she would have liked to bring the crown back to the Philippines. We could agree to disagree but a new Miss Universe that will come from the Philippines will not overshadow her and what she had contributed to Philippine pageantry. Just like Gloria Diaz and Margarita Moran, they will remain queens and pride bearer in pageantry.

The Miss Universe crown wasn't meant for the Philippines this year and for Rachel. Continuing the winning and finalists streak for the Philippines is enough to be celebrated. STOP THE BLAMING GAME!

Congratulations to Miss South Africa, Demi-Leigh Peters for a well-deserved win, the Mikimoto crown perfectly fits you.  And to our Miss Universe Philippines, Rachel Louise Peters, in our hearts you are a winner, our Miss Universe and we are more than proud of your placement. You did your best and that is all every Filipino pageant fans could ask for.

Thank you and mabuhay ka Rachel Louise Peters!

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