Oct 6, 2017

Hot Topic: Depression!

I and many netizens applaud Maine Mendoza for standing up on the issue without any hesitations, and more celebrities tweet about it too.

I find our Bb. Pilipinas International's tweet distasteful while condemning  Mr Joey De Leon. Sometimes her reactions and commentaries and not of substance just plain bickering.

Meanwhile Bella Padilla and Bianca Gonzales post/tweet are forgiving and yes maybe let us move on. Let us see some light on the issue, it was a distasteful remarks from a veteran host/actor but there is something good that we can take from this, to put some light on 'depression' and other mental health issues.

“People see what they choose to see. Everything I said is clear. He was wrong but correcting him through shame is wrong too.” - Bella Padilla

Here is Mr Joey De Leon making a public apology.

The man has already apologize, again let us shed some light on the issue and help our friends, neighbors and family members who suffer depression. 

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