Dec 6, 2016

Verified! Blue Tick, Elusive No More

Does the famous blue tick accompany your twitter name? 

The microblogging site has a built-in social hierarchy, if you are one of those users who got verified to be a genuine user then you belong to the upper class of microbloggers.

Not so long time ago the blue ticks are rarely bestowed, like a knighthood. It is cautiously demarcated to few individuals, well-sought users in entertainment, government politics, arts, fashion, journalism, and entrepreneurs. When you're famous and your credentials speaks volume, twitter team will recognize you and will be bestowed by the elusive blue tick. 

Just recently twitter has announced that genuine users can apply to be verified as long as they meet the proper requirements for getting the blue tick. With the recent pestering of trolls and bullies of the virtual world, a little blue tick in your name will add impact, credibility and will be great for your branding.

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