May 5, 2016

Pinoy Online Influencer

Are you into social media like Twitter, Vine, Snapchat or the famous Instagram?


If you are... then you may have followed one of the following Instagram users I will feature here. Before that as what you have read above, I excluded Facebook since 99% of Filipinos are into FB. Most of the celebrated Pinoy bloggers are using Snapchat, Youtube and Twitter to connect with their fans and followers beside from their personal website. I have been a social media buff since Friendster days and I have seen friends who are from being nobody to being somebody. Having an online influencer tag or title is hard to maintain, it comes with a big responsibility attached to the title. One social media app that is widely used Filipino online influencers or the bloggers is Instagram where they showcase their creativity and artistry in one instapost.

Making sure of a picturesque Instagram account attracts more followers and there is no doubt that it is one factor this Pinoy male bloggers is gaining that tons of online following. I have scouted forums and asked people around who are the male bloggers/online influencer they followed on Instagram and this users are the popular choices.

Twitter : @davidguison
Blog :

Twitter : @TheFiloDapper
Blog :

Twitter : @robbiebecroft
Blog :

Twitter : @lancedeocampo
Blog :

Twitter : @michaelmacalos
Blog :

Twitter : @doyzkie
Blog :

Twitter : @countocram
Blog : 

Twitter : @MikyleQuizon
Blog :

If you are an aspiring blogger, Instagram is a good tool to bridge your blog, promote your brand and grow your online presence - just make sure that in every instapost it is picture perfect, "A picture is worth a thousand words".


  1. Woah, thank you for including me on this list. By the way, my personal blogsite is, is my food blog ��

  2. Followed some of them but not familiar with a couple of those anyway a nice blog feature


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